Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ...

Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ...

Ramadan (fasting month) has started! | PT.SAKURA MITRA ... In Indonesia, a Muslim of the event from the month of Ramadan began. SAKURA 0 of members for the Muslim (Muslim), the office will also be in Ramadan mode! Therefore working hours will be changed. For those of Muslims where there is a preparation of fasting Fitr meal after sunset, it has become a fast time to return home than usual. Normal working hours :: 00: 00: 00: 00 Ramadan period of working time: 0 to: 00: 0 to: 00 Ramadan timing, because there the normal tendency for crime increases than that at the time, everyone please be careful.

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